ICC - ASP Events - Photo Gallery

ASP Events - Photo Gallery




ASP Sessions

Tenth session of the Assembly of States Parties 
Ninth session of the Assembly of States Parties
Seventh session - first resumption 
Resumed fifth Session
Fifth Session
Resumed fourth Session
Fourth Session
Third Session


2009 Elections (the first resumption of the seventh session)

Picture of the six elected judges

Photographs of the nominees for judges while they participated as candidates in a panel organized by the Coalition for the ICC prior to the beginning of the first resumption of the seventh session of the Assembly. Photographs courtesy of the Coalition for the ICC.

Bureau Meetings

ASP7R1 - 2009 Second Bureau* meeting 

United Nations Headquarters, New York
19 January 2009

 * Bureau November 2008 - October 2011   

Inter-sessional Meeting on the Crime of Aggression