South Africa:
Inclusive violence and crime prevention for safe public spaces (VCP)
German development cooperation is helping South Africa to create an efficient administrative system that serves all its citizens equally. The main focus of cooperation is on strengthening centres of government, fighting corruption, developing the judicial system and improving human resources management in the public sector. Moreover, Germany is supporting community-based measures for preventing violence. These measures include, for example, improving social and economic infrastructure (safe footpaths, public spaces, sports fields, community centres and retail areas), developing security patrols and supporting community organisations (legal advice centres, HIV prevention centres) in deprived areas.
Programme Support to Local Governance Processes - SULGO
In the priority area Decentralisation/Local Governance German development cooperation has contributed to Tanzanian reform efforts in this area. German cooperation has contributed, via financial contributions to the Tanzanian community financial transfer system and advice on fiscal decentralisation, general legal conditions and good governance, to the creation of better functioning, more efficient and transparent local government and helped improve public services for poor people in rural areas.
Programme Promotion of Accountability and Transparency
Objective: The effectiveness of public sector auditing in Uganda has increased, and there is enhanced cooperation between accountability organisations such as the Public Procurement Disposal of Assets Authority, the Inspectorate of Government and the Office of the Auditor General.
Programme Civil Society Participation in Governance Reform and Poverty Reduction
A development policy activity in the area of good governance involves making citizen participation more effective. The aim is to strengthen the role played by the Zambian people in helping to shape administrative reforms and in reducing poverty. The imperatives here are to enhance the transparency and accountability of state actions and increase citizen participation. Germany is supporting the development of parliamentary structures and civil society networks as well as the management of the state criminal justice institutions in order to enhances the promotion of access to legal redress for the poor.