Advisory Committee on nominations of judges of the International Criminal Court

ASP Information - updated at


At the 7th plenary meeting of its twentieth session, on 9 December 2021, the Assembly, on the recommendation of the Bureau, appointed the following nine members of the Advisory Committee on the nominations on judges for a three-year term commencing on 9 December 2021:

1) Mr. Dennis Dominic Adjei (Ghana);
2) Mr. Julian Fernandez (France);
3) Ms. Lucy Muthoni Kambuni (Kenya);
4) Ms. Milica Kolaković-Bojović (Serbia);
5) Mr. Erkki Kourula (Finland);
6) Ms. Sanji Mmasenono Monageng (Botswana);
7) Mr. Mauro Politi (Italy);
8) Mr. Eduardo Rodríguez Veltzé (Bolivia); and
9) Mr. Sang-Hyun Song, (Republic of Korea).

I. Mandate

The terms of the members will run from 9 December 2021 to 8 December 2024

The Committee members would normally be designated for three-year terms, with the possibility of being re-elected only once.   

Decision: Waiver of the impediment of four members of the Advisory Committee on Nominations of Judges to be re-elected.


II. Terms of reference

Terms of reference for the establishment of an Advisory Committee on nominations of judges of the International Criminal Court (ICC-ASP/10/36 - annex),  adopted by the Assembly by resolution ICC-ASP/10/Res.5, and amended by resolutions ICC-ASP/13/Res.5, annex III, ICC-ASP/18/Res.4, annex I, and ICC-ASP/21/Res.2, annex IV.
Terms of reference - English | Español | Français | عربي 

 III. National nomination and selection procedures

Resolution ICC-ASP/18/Res.4
English | Español | Français | عربي

Information submitted by States Parties pursuant to resolution ICC-ASP/18/Res.4, para. 6 

Compendium of submissions from States Parties, prepared by the Advisory Committee on Nominations of Judges - English l Français

 IV. Reports  

ACN-09 meeting : ICC-ASP/22/4 - English | Español | Français | عربي

ACN-08 meeting : ICC-ASP/21/4 - English | Español | Français | عربي

2020 (Nominations
ACN-07 meeting : ICC-ASP/19/11 - English | Español | Français | عربي
ACN-06 meeting : ICC-ASP/16/7 - English | Español | Français| عربي
ACN-05 meeting : ICC-ASP/15/8 - English | EspañolFrançais | عربي
2015  (Nomination)                       
ACN-04 meeting: ICC-ASP/13/46 - English | EspañolFrançais | عربي  
2014  (Nomination)
ACN-03 meeting : ICC-ASP/13/22 English | Español | Français | عربي     
2013  (Nomination)
ACN-01 meeting : ICC-ASP/12/23 - English | Español | Français | عربي
ACN-02 meeting : ICC-ASP/12/47 - English | Español | Français | عربي 

V. Background documentation

Report of the Bureau on the establishment of an Advisory Committee on nominations of judges of the International Criminal Court
ICC-ASP/10/36 - English | Español | Français | عربي 

Report of the Bureau on the Advisory Committee on Nominations    
ICC-ASP/17/21 -  English | Español | Français | عربي

Assembly of States Parties