Justice Rapid Response:
Justice Rapid Response is the only global facility that provides rapidly deployable experts to investigate international crimes and serious human rights violations and to enable a holistic, gender-sensitive, and inclusive approach to justice.
The JRR Roster:
The Justice Rapid Response Roster consists of a pool of over 750 justice and human rights experts representing over 50 professions, ranging from criminal investigators, sexual and gender-based violence experts, forensic experts, prosecutors, military analysts, transitional and restorative justice experts, psychosocial experts, legal analysts, child rights experts, to digital investigators. In a long-standing partnership with UN Women, over 240 sexual and gender-based violence justice experts work to strengthen accountability for crimes of sexual and gender-based violence.
Partnership with UN Women on SGBV investigations:
Justice Rapid Response works in partnership with UN Women, the UN agency for gender equality and the empowerment of women. The purpose of the partnership is to strengthen accountability for crimes and grave human rights violations of sexual and gender-based violence. This partnership aims to ensure that all UN mandated investigations can benefit from gender expertise from the very start.
Enabling rapid deployment:
JRR first assessed each request to ensure that it can be responded to safely and in conformity with international law. It then assists the entity requesting assistance in identifying the most appropriate expert(s) for the mission. JRR is able to achieve a high short-notice dispatch rate thanks to prior flexible arrangements with the experts' respective employers. JRR also works with the entities that request expertise in order to identify agile solutions to execute deployments as quickly as possible.
Our vision:
All victims and survivors of international crimes and serious human rights violations have access to justice, contributing to peaceful and inclusive societies.
Justice Rapid Response’s Executive Board is composed of the following States, organizations and individuals: the Kingdom of Belgium (Chair), the Republic of Sierra Leone (Vice-Chair), Canada (Observer), the Republic of Costa Rica, the Republic of Finland, the Republic of Korea, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Kingdom of Sweden, the Republic of Uganda, UN Women (observer). Its secretariat carries out operations from Geneva, Switzerland. The secretariat is headed by an Executive Director, who is selected by the Executive Board. The Justice Rapid Response Executive Board meets twice a year, providing oversight and guidance to the secretariat.
Where to find us:
You can contact Justice Rapid Response through our Geneva secretariat Phone: +41 22 544 29 00 Email: [email protected].