ICC - Nomination and election of a member of the Committee on Budget and Finance

ICC-ASP/5/SP/24 English, Español, Français


Vacancy in the Committee on Budget and Finance

Nomination period : 28 September to 4 October 2006
(Decision of the Bureau of the Assembly of 25 September 2006).

Nomination and election of a member of the Committee on Budget and Finance
Note Verbale of 28 September 2006 (ICC-ASP/5/SP/24)

Alphabetical listing

Nomination period : 24 July to 6 August 2006
(Decision of the Bureau of the Assembly of 13 July 2006).

The Bureau would proceed to elect the member at a date to be determined once the nomination period closes.

Nomination and election of a member of the Committee on Budget and Finance
Note Verbale of 24 July 2006 (ICC-ASP/5/SP/11) -  English, Español, Français