Election of Deputy Prosecutor [Prosecutions] (2012)

ASP Documents

Mr. James Stewart (Canada) was elected Deputy Prosecutor (Prosecutions) of the International Criminal Court.



11.09.2012 ICC Prosecutor submits shortlist of Deputy Prosecutor candidates to the Assembly 

    (a) Mr. Paul Rutledge (Australia) 
    (b) Mr. James Stewart (Canada) 
    (c) Ms. Raija Toiviainen (Finland) 
  Election of the Deputy Prosecutor of the International 
Criminal Court 

( Advance version )  
ICC-ASP/11/17 - English | Español | Français | عربي     
Meeting with ICC Deputy Prosecutor candidate 
(1) - 17.10.2012 13:15 - 14:30 - Mr. Stewart (Canada), 
        UN Conference Room 6  
(2) - 25.10.2012 13:15 - 14:30 - Ms. Raija Toiviainen (Finland), 
           UN Conference Room 3 
(3) - 06.11.2012 13:15 - 14:30 - Mr. Paul Rutledge (Australia), 
           UN Conference Room 3 
16.11.2012 Mr. James Stewart (Canada) was elected Deputy Prosecutor (Prosecutions) of the International Criminal Court. 


Assembly of States Parties