New York
In a special meeting of the Bureau which was open to States Parties, the President of the Assembly of States Parties, Ambassador Christian Wenaweser, introduced the report of the Search Committee for the position of Prosecutor, dated 22 October 2011. The Search Committee submitted a short list containing the names of the individuals from among whom the Assembly could proceed to select the next Prosecutor of the ICC, who would assume the post in mid 2012.
The Search Committee, which had been set up by the Assembly at its ninth session in December 2010, was composed of five members representing each of the regional groups, and had been mandated to facilitate the nomination and election, by consensus, of the next Prosecutor.
The process for selecting the next Prosecutor will continue in the coming weeks in context of the Bureau as the normative framework calls for every effort to be made to elect the Prosecutor by consensus.
The report of the Search Committee is available on the website of the Court at https://asp.icc-cpi.int/en_menus/asp/elections/prosecutor/, where additional information about the Search Committee may also be found.
For further information on the Assembly of States Parties, please e-mail to [email protected].