ICC -2024/2025 - Twenty-third Session - Resolutions

ASP Resolutions


Resolution Date Meeting Language Title
ICC-ASP/23/Res.1 6.12.2024

9th plenary meeting

English | Español | Français | عربي

Strengthening the International Criminal Court and the Assembly of States Parties

ICC-ASP/23/Res.2 6.12.2024

9th plenary meeting

English | Español | Français | عربي

Resolution of the Assembly of States Parties regarding the implementation of the tenure policy

ICC-ASP/23/Res.3 6.12.2024

9th plenary meeting

English | Español | Français | عربي

Resolution on the introduction of a moratorium on the recruitment by the International Criminal Court of staff of non-States Parties’ nationality

ICC-ASP/23/Res.4 6.12.2024

9th plenary meeting

English | Español | Français | عربي

Review of the International Criminal Court and the Rome Statute system

ICC-ASP/23/Res.5 6.12.2024

9th plenary meeting

English | Español | Français | عربي

Resolution on cooperation

ICC-ASP/23/Res.6 6.12.2024

9th plenary meeting

English | Español | Français | عربي

Resolution of the Assembly of States Parties on the proposed programme budget for 2025 and related policy and administrative matters










Assembly of States Parties