2014 - Judges's Election

ASP Information - updated at

The elections are scheduled for the thirteenth session of the Assembly of States Parties, to be held at United Nations, New York, from 8 -17 December 2014.

Results (Updated)

Election of six judges - 2014 Nominations

Nomination period: from 28 April to 3 August 2014 (CET)
Status of nomination for the election of six judges (as at 4 August 2014)
- Note verbale of 4 August 2014 
ICC-ASP/13/SP/55     - English | Español | Français
Extension of nomination period
- Note verbale of 21 July 2014 
ICC-ASP/13/SP/48     - English | Español | Français
Nomination and election of six judges
- Note verbale of 18 February 2014 
ICC-ASP/13/SP/06     - English | Español | Français

Model Curriculum Vitae 16 April 2014 -  English | Español | Français   

Letter concerning the work of the Advisory Committee on the Nominations of Judges and the nomination of candidates
- Letter of the ASP President dated on 18 February 2014
ICC-ASP/2014/001 - English | Español | Français

Fifth election of judges of the International Criminal Court
ICC-ASP/13/3 -  English | Español | Français | عربي
ICC-ASP/13/3/Add.1 -  English | Español | Français | عربي

Report of the Advisory Committee on Nominations of Judges on the work of its third meeting
ICC-ASP/13/22 -  English | Español | Français | عربي


Previous elections



Assembly of States Parties