This first meeting will have solely organizational purposes. I propose that we take stock on the workload of the Working Group and discuss a work plan and tentative schedule of meetings considering the two tracks of the Working Group, that on amendments to the rules of procedure and that on amendments to the Rome Statute.
Between now and the time of the meeting, I would welcome any views from the delegations on their expectations and priorities concerning the issues before us on those two tracks. Views from proponents of Rome Statute amendments would be particularly welcome. Please contact Mr. Andreas Kravik, [email protected] for purpose of these consultations.
I also invite you to consult the enclosed documentation, which is being re-circulated for the purpose of this meeting:
1) Terms of Reference of the Working Group on Amendments, ICC-ASP/11/Res.8, annex II, and
2) Informal compilation of proposals to amend the Rome Statute, dated 17 June 2014.