Onzième réunion, 8 décembre 2022
-Twenty-first session of the Assembly
-Nomination period for the election of judges - draft note verbale
-Reports adopted by the Bureau
-Other matters
Dixième réunion, 2 décembre 2022
-Review Mechanism: update
-Twenty-first session of the Assembly: Update on preparations
-Oral report of the Bureau
-Due diligence for election of judges: recommendations by the Bureau
-Bureau decision on implementation of IER recommendation R169: follow up
-Commemoration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the adoption of the Rome Statute: recommendation by the Bureau
-Independent Oversight Mechanism - 2023 Proposed programme of evaluation
-Status of contributions
-ASP21 - request for waiver of loss of voting rights
-List of meetings of subsidiary bodies of the Bureau held in private in 2022
-Other matters
Proposed Annex to Bureau decision on the Implementation of IER recommendation 169: Compilation of good practices to counter any threat or attack against the Court, its officials and those cooperating with it, which has the potential to undermine the integrity, effectiveness or impartiality of the Court
Approved by the Bureau on 2 December 2022
Neuvième réunion, 9 novembre 2022
-Review Mechanism: update
-Twenty-first session of the Assembly
-Due diligence for election of judges
-Independent Oversight Mechanism- annual report
-Commemoration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the adoption of the Rome Statute
-Status of contributions
-Other matters
Huitième réunion, 22 octobre 2022
-Review Mechanism: update
-Lessons learnt: Presentation of the report
-Twenty-first session of the Assembly: Update on preparations
-Status of contributions
-Other matters
Septième réunion, 7 septembre 2022
-Review Mechanism: update
-Lessons learnt: update
-Preparations for the twenty-first session
-Election of the Registrar: update on roundtables
-Status of contributions
-Other matters
Proposal in relation to IER recommendation 169
Approved by the Bureau on 29 July 2022 via a silence procedure
Sixième réunion, 13 juillet 2022
-Review Mechanism: update
-IER recommendation R169: consideration with a view to adoption of revised proposal
-Lessons learnt: update
-Other matters
Cinquième réunion, 8 juin 2022
-Review Mechanism: update
-Election of the Registrar: update on due diligence
-IER recommendation R169: update
-Briefing by the Board of Directors of the Trust Fund for Victims
-Other matters
Quatrième réunion, 19 mai 2022
-Lesson learnt on the election of the Prosecutor process: update
-Review Mechanism: update
-IER recommendation R169: update
-Election of the Registrar: update on due diligence
-Independent Oversight Mechanism- Interim report
-Other matters
Troisième réunion, 13 avril 2022
-Lesson learnt on the election of the Prosecutor process: update
-Review Mechanism: update
-IER recommendations for implementation by the Bureau (R169 and R 363)
-Election of the Registrar: update on due diligence
-Other matters
Deuxième réunion, 9 mars 2022
-Review Mechanism: update
-Lesson learnt on the election of the Prosecutor process: update
-Election of the Registrar: update
-Other matters
Première réunion, 2 février 2022
- Lesson learnt on the election of the Prosecutor process: update
- Review Mechanism: update
- Interpretation of article 42 (4) of the Rome Statute regarding the election of the Deputy Prosecutors: Follow up
- Twenty-first session of the Assembly: provisional agenda
- Independent Oversight Mechanism: Final Evaluation Report of the Registry's Strategic Plan 2019-2021
- Election of the Registrar: vacancy announcement
- Other matters