ICC - Election of the Committee on Budget and Finance

Press Release
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On 21 April 2003, the Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute meeting in New York elected 10 of the 12 members of the Committee on Budget and Finance of the International Criminal Court, the first permanent international criminal judicial institution created to hold accountable those responsible for serious crimes of concern to the international community.

The Committee on Budget and Finance was established by the Assembly of States Parties in resolution ICC-ASP/1/Res.4. It will be responsible for overseeing the financial, budgetary and administrative operations of the Court. Its members are elected among experts of recognized standing and experience in international financial matters. The Committee’s responsibilities include technical examination of documents submitted to the Assembly containing financial or budgetary implications as well as reviews and recommendations on the Court’s budget. Election to the committee is on the basis of equitable geographical distribution with seats allocated as follows: Africa: 2; Asia: 2; Eastern Europe: 2; Latin America and the Caribbean States: 2, and Western Europe and others: 4

The following experts were elected: Dah Kindji, Lambert from Benin and Muwanga, John F. S. from Uganda among the African States Group; Gharaibeh, Fawzi from Jordan and Hahn, Myung-jae from the Republic of Korea among the Asian States group; Arnábal, Santiago Wins from Uruguay and Gallardo Aparicio, Eduardo E. from Bolivia among the Latin American and Caribbean States group; Dutton, David from Australia, Lovell, Peter from United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Paschke, Karl Th. from Germany, and Tilemans, Michel-Etienne from Belgium among the Western European and Other States group.

With regard to experts from Eastern Europe, a decision was taken to defer the election of the two experts to allow the Group time to submit candidates. In the meantime, the Assembly, in its Resolution ICC-ASP/1/9 decided to authorize the partially constituted Committee to begin its work and to allow the two remaining members to join the Committee’s work upon their election.

Assembly of States Parties