Election of The Registrar (2017)

ASP Information - updated at

Result of the election of the Registrar pursuant to article 43 of the Rome Statute and rule 12 of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence
On 28 March 2018, sitting in a plenary session, judges of the International Criminal Court (ICC) elected Mr. Peter Lewis (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) as Registrar for a period of five years by an absolute majority by secret ballot. 

On  17 April 2018, Mr. Peter Lewis made the solemn undertaking pursuant to article 45 of the Rome Statute during a public ceremony held at the seat of the Court in The Hague.

Assembly of States Parties' recommendations concerning the election of the Registrar  

Letter from the President of the Court to the President of the Assembly on the shortlist of candidates for election to the post of Registrar 
28 September 2017  - English
  Appendix with the statistical overview of the gender and geographic representation of the candidates
28 September 2017  - English 
  Election of the Registrar of the International Criminal Court
ICC-ASP/16/28/Rev.1   - English | Español | Français | عربي

Shortlist of candidates    
English | Español | Français | عربي

Assembly of States Parties