Nineteenth session of the Assembly of States Parties

ASP Documents


14 to 16 December 2020, World Forum, The Hague, Netherlands
17 to 23 December 2020, United Nations, Headquarters, New York

ASP19 Provisional Work Programme - English
ASP19 Resumed Provisional Work Programme - English
ASP19 Journal - English                      Previous JOURNALS
ASP19 Resumed Journal - English
ASP19 Handbook - English
ASP19 Virtual platform user guide - English
General debate list of speakers, Monday, 14 December 2020 from 15:00 to 18:00  - English


Invitations - States - Note verbale of 13 January 2020
ICC-ASP/19/S/02  - English | Español | Français 
- Note verbale of 4 November 2020
ICC-ASP/19/S/61 - English | Español | Français
Registration form for session from 14 to 16 December 2020 at the World Forum in The Hague (For states ONLY)
- English | Français
Credentials - States - Note verbale of 16 March 2020 
ICC-ASP/19/SP/13 - English | Español | Français
- Note verbale of 6 November 2020
ICC-ASP/19/SP/62 - English | Español | Français
Credentials/Notifications SAMPLE
The Hague
New York
Composition of delegation - Observer States
Note verbale of  16 March 2020
ICC-ASP/19/OS/14 - English | Español | Français
Note verbale of 13 November 2020
ICC-ASP/19/OS/63 - English | Español | Français
Composition of delegation - Invited States
Note verbale of  16 March 2020
ICC-ASP/19/IS/15 - English | Español | Français
Note verbale of 13 November 2020
ICC-ASP/19/IS/64 - English | Español | Français
General debate - States
Note verbale of 30 November 2020
ICC-ASP/19/S/73 - English | Español | Français
Annex to Note verbale ICC-ASP/19/S/73
Español | Français
Trust Fund for the participation of the least developed countries and other developing States
Note verbale of 16 March 2020
ICC-ASP/19/S/LDC/16 English | Español | Français
- Application form - English/Français



Nomination and election of six judges  
Nomination period: 6 January to 30 March 2020 (CET)
Emergency extension of the nomination period until 30 April 2020 (CET)
Extension of the nomination period until 14 May 2020 (CET)
The nomination period closed on 14 May 2020 (CET)
Election of the Prosecutor
Nomination period: 1 July to 22 September 2020 (CET)
Extension of the nomination period until 22 October 2020 (CET)
Second extension of the nomination period until 22 November 2020 (CET)
Third extension of the nomination period until 13 December 2020 (CET)
Fourth extension of the nomination period until 18 December 2020 (CET)
Fifth extension of the nomination period until 18 January 2021 (CET)
Sixth extension of the nomination period until 5 February 2021 (CET)
Seventh extension of the nomination period until 8 February 2021, 12 Midday (CET)
Eighth extension of the nomination period until 8 February 2021, 14.00 (CET)
Ninth extension of the nomination period until 10 February 2021, 12.00 (CET)
Nomination period - Nomination and election of six members of the Committee on Budget and Finance
Nomination period: 8 June to 30 August 2020 (CET)


Provisional agenda
ICC-ASP/19/1/ - English | Español | Français |  عربي
Provisional agenda
ICC-ASP/19/1/Corr.1 - English | Español | Français عربي
Annotated list of items included in the provisional agenda
ICC-ASP/19/1/Add.1/Rev.1 - English | Español | Français | عربي
Seventh election of judges of the International Criminal Court 
ICC-ASP/19/2/Rev.2 - Español Français | عربي
Seventh election of judges of the International Criminal Court 
ICC-ASP/19/2/Rev.3 - English only
Seventh election of judges of the International Criminal Court 
ICC-ASP/19/2/Add.1/Rev.2 - English Français
Seventh election of judges of the International Criminal Court 
ICC-ASP/19/2/Add.1/Rev.1 - Español | عربي
Seventh election of judges of the International Criminal Court 
ICC-ASP/19/2/Add.2  -   English | Español Français عربي
Seventh election of judges of the International Criminal Court 
ICC-ASP/19/2/Add.3  -   English | Español Français | عربي
Election of judges of the International Criminal Court: guide for the seventh election
ICC-ASP/19/3/Rev.1  -   English | Español | Français |  عربي
Report of the Court on Human Resources Management
ICC-ASP/19/4  -   English | EspañolFrançais | عربي
Report of the Committee on Budget and Finance on the work of its thirty-fourth session
ICC-ASP/19/5  -   English | Español Français |  عربي
Election of members of the Committee on Budget and Finance 
ICC-ASP/19/6  -   English | Español Français | عربي
Report on activities and programme performance of the International Criminal Court for the year 2019
ICC-ASP/19/7  -   English | EspañolFrançais | عربي
Report of the Court on updated and detailed plans and a multi-year financing mechanism for capital replacements 
ICC-ASP/19/8  -   English | EspañolFrançais عربي
Report on the Activities of the International Criminal Court
ICC-ASP/19/9  -   English | Español | Français | عربي
Proposed Programme Budget for 2021 of the the International Criminal Court
ICC-ASP/19/10  -  English | Español |  Français | عربي
Proposed Programme Budget for 2021 of the International Criminal Court - Corrigendum
ICC-ASP/19/10/Corr.1 (English and French only) - English | Français
Report of the Advisory committee on Nominations of Judges on the work of its seventh session
ICC-ASP/19/11  - English |  Español |  Français | عربي
Financial statements of the International Criminal Court for the year ended 31 December 2019
ICC-ASP/19/12/ - English | Español | Français |  عربي
Financial statements of the Trust Fund for Victims for the year ended 31 December 2019
ICC-ASP/19/13/ - English | Español | Français |  عربي
Report to the Assembly of States Parties on the projects and the activities of the Board of directors of the Trust Fund for victims for the period 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2020
ICC-ASP/19/14/ - English | Español | Français | عربي
Report of the Committee on Budget and Finance on the work of its thirty-fifth session
ICC-ASP/19/15 - English | Español Français | عربي
Report of the Independent Expert Review of the International Criminal Court and the Rome Statute System
ICC-ASP/19/16 - English | Español | Français | عربي
Report of the Registry on the approximate costs allocated so far within the Court in relation to referrals by the Security Council
ICC-ASP/19/17 - English | Español Français | عربي
Report of the Judicial Remuneration Panel
ICC-ASP/19/18 - English | Español | Français | عربي
Report of the Bureau on the Study Group on Governance
ICC-ASP/19/21  -   English | EspañolFrançais | عربي
Report of the Bureau on complementarity 
ICC-ASP/19/22  -   English | Español Français | عربي
Report of the Bureau on non-cooperation 
ICC-ASP/19/23  -  English | EspañolFrançais | عربي
Report of the Bureau on the Review of the work and the Operational Mandate of the Independent Oversight Mechanism
ICC-ASP/19/24 -   English | Español Français | عربي
Report of the Court on cooperation
ICC-ASP/19/25 - English | Español | Français | عربي
Annual report of the Head of the Independent Oversight Mechanism
ICC-ASP/19/26 - English | Español | Français | عربي
Report of the Bureau on the arrears of States Parties 
ICC-ASP/19/27  -   English | EspañolFrançais | عربي
Report of the Working Group on Amendments
ICC-ASP/19/28 - English | Español | Français | عربي
Report of the Bureau on equitable geographical representation and gender balance in the recruitment of staff of the International Criminal Court
ICC-ASP/19/29 -   English | Español Français | عربي
Report of the Bureau on the Plan of Action of the Assembly of States Parties for achieving universality and full implementation of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court 
ICC-ASP/19/30  -   English | Español Français | عربي
Report of the Bureau on the Budget sub-topics of Budget Management Oversight and Premises
ICC-ASP/19/31  -   English | EspañolFrançais |عربي
Report on the Constitution and Activities of the International Criminal Court Bar Association ("ICCBA")
ICC-ASP/19/32 - English | Español | Français | عربي
Report of the Bureau on cooperation
ICC-ASP/19/33  -  English | Español | Français | عربي
Proposal by the Bureau on the decision making
ICC-ASP/19/34 - English | Español Français | عربي
Report to the Bureau on the review of the procedure for the nomination and election of judges
ICC-ASP/19/35  -   English | Español Français | عربي
Report of the Bureau on the scheduling of Assembly sessions
ICC-ASP/19/36  -   English | Español Français |عربي
Election of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court: guide for the third election 
ICC-ASP/19/37 - English | Español | Français | عربي
Report of the Committee on the Election of the Prosecutor 
ICC-ASP/19/INF.2 - English | Español | Français |  عربي
Report of the Committee on the Election of the Prosecutor – Addendum – Vacancy announcement 
ICC-ASP/19/INF.2/Add.1 - English | Français 
Report of the Committee on the Election of the Prosecutor – Addendum – Candidate reference material 
ICC-ASP/19/INF.2/Add.2 - English only
Report of the Committee on the Election of the Prosecutor - Addendum - Appraisals of additional candidates
ICC-ASP/19/INF.2/Add.3 - English | Español Français | عربي
Report of the Committee on the Election of the Prosecutor – Addendum – Additional candidates – reference material
ICC-ASP/19/INF.2/Add.4 - English only
Proposed Programme Budget for 2021 of the International Criminal Court - Executive Summary
ICC-ASP/19/INF.3/ - English | Español | Français | عربي
Report of the Working Group on the 2021 proposed programme budget of the International Criminal Court
ICC-ASP/19/WGPB/1 - English Español Français عربي


Decision by the Bureau on the participation of Observer States in meetings of the Assembly of States Parties 
(18 October 2017) - English | Español | Français | عربي
Decision by the Bureau on the Guidelines for the preparation and conduct of sessions of the Assembly of States Parties 
(15 November 2018) - English | Español | Français | عربي
Assembly of States Parties