Fifth session of the Assembly of States Parties

ASP Information - updated at


23 November - 1 December  2006 – The Hague, The Netherlands 



Handbook for Participants English  

  English | French | Spanish

Registration forms
States Parties
  English | French
Observer States  English | French
Invited States  English | French 

Notes on credentials
States Parties  English | French | Spanish
Observer States  English French | Spanish
Invited  States  EnglishFrench Spanish

Visa information  EnglishFrenchSpanish

Note verbale on the general debate
ICC-ASP/5/S/31  English | FrenchSpanish

Note on Trust Fund for the participation of the least developed countries and other developing States
ICC-ASP/5/S/29  English  | French  | Spanish  | Form

Press and media
Accreditation Form English  | French
Information for the media English



01.12.2006 - Assembly of States Parties concludes its deliberations of the fifth Session
ICC-ASP-20061201-190 - English 

30.11.2006 - Assembly of States Parties elects four members of the Board of Directors of the Trust Fund for Victims
ICC-ASP-20061201-189 - English 

25.11.2006 - Assembly of States Parties proceeds with the general debate and begins consideration of the 2007 Budget
ICC-ASP-20061201-186 - English 

24.11.2006 - Opening of the fifth session of the Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute
ICC-ASP-20061201-185 - English 



Statement by Philippe Kirsch, President of the ICC
23.11.2006 - English | Français

Statement by Luis Moreno-Ocampo, Prosecutor of the ICC
23.11.2006 - English

Statement by Bruno Cathala, Registrar of the ICC 
24.11.2006 - Français 

Statement by Simone Veil, Chair of the Board of Directors of the Trust Fund for Victims
23.11.2006 - English | Français 



23.11.2006 - 24.11.2006 -List of speakers and statements



Report of the Committee on Budget and Finance on the work of its sixth session
ICC-ASP/5/1 -   | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish 

Financial statements for the period 1 January to 31 December 2005
ICC-ASP/5/2 -  Chinese |  English  | French | Russian | Spanish  
ICC-ASP/5/2* -    

Trust Fund for Victims financial statements for the period 1 January to 31 December 2005
ICC-ASP/5/3 -   | Chinese | English  | French |Russian | Spanish  

Report on the reappointment of the External Auditor
ICC-ASP/5/4 -   | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish 

Report of the Office of Internal Audit
ICC-ASP/5/5 -   | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish 

Strategic Plan of the International Criminal Court
ICC-ASP/5/6 -   | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish 

Report on the strategy of the Court on Information and Communication Technologies
ICC-ASP/5/7 -   | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish 

Report to the Assembly of States Parties on the activities and projects of the Board of Directors of the Trust Fund for Victims for the period 16 August 2005 to 30 June 2006
ICC-ASP/5/8 -   | Chinese | English  | French | Russian | Spanish
ICC-ASP/5/8/Corr.1 -  French 

Proposed Programme Budget for 2007 of the International Criminal Court
ICC-ASP/5/9 -   Arabic Part I | English | Chinese | French | Russian | Spanish
Arabic Part II 
Arabic Part III

ICC-ASP/5/9/Corr.1* -  English only

ICC-ASP/5/9/Corr.2 -   | Chinese | English  | French | Russian | Spanish

Report on the Court Capacity Model 
ICC-ASP/5/10* -   English
ICC-ASP/5/10 -     | Chinese | French | Russian | Spanish

Provisional agenda 
ICC-ASP/5/11 -  | Chinese | English | French| Russian | Spanish 

Annotated list of items included in the provisional agenda 
ICC-ASP/5/11/Add.1  -   | Chinese |  English |  French  | Russian  | Spanish
ICC-ASP/5/11/Add.1/Rev.1  -   | Chinese |  English | French | Russian  | Spanish

Strategic Plan for Outreach of the International Criminal Court 
ICC-ASP/5/12 -   | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish

Report on the budget performance of the International Criminal Court as at 31 August 2006 
ICC-ASP/5/13 -  | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish

Amendments to the conditions of service and compensation for judges of the International Criminal Court - Relocation upon completion of service 
ICC-ASP/5/14 -   | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish 

Report on the activities of the Court 
ICC-ASP/5/15 -    |  Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish 

Report on the future permanent premises of the International Criminal Court - Comprehensive progress report
ICC-ASP/5/16 -    |  Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish 

Report on the governance arrangements for the permanent premises of the International Criminal Court
ICC-ASP/5/17 -  Arabic  |  Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish 

Report on a procurement tender for the pension scheme for judges
ICC-ASP/5/18 -   | Chinese | English  | French | Russian | Spanish 

Report of the Registrar on pension schemes applicable to judges in other international tribunals
ICC-ASP/5/19 -    | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish  

Report on the conditions of service and compensation of the Prosecutor and Deputy Prosecutors
ICC-ASP/5/20 -   | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish

Report on the conditions of service and compensation of the Prosecutor and Deputy Prosecutors: financial costings for pensions
ICC-ASP/5/21 -   |  Chinese |  English |  French | Russian  | Spanish

Report on changing the Court’s financial year
ICC-ASP/5/22 -   |  Chinese |  English |  French | Russian | Spanish

Report of the Committee on Budget and Finance on the work of its seventh session
ICC-ASP/5/23 -   | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish
ICC-ASP/5/23/Corr.1  -   | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish

ICC-ASP/5/23/Add.1  -    |  Chinese  | English |  French | Russian | Spanish
ICC-ASP/5/23/Add.1/Corr.1  -  English only

Provisional agenda 
ICC-ASP/5/24 -  | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish
ICC-ASP/5/24/Rev.1 -  | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish

Report on the draft headquarters agreement between the International Criminal Court and the host State 
ICC-ASP/5/25 - Arabic | Chinese | English  |  French  | Russian |  Spanish

Report of the Bureau on ratification and implementation of the Rome Statute and on participation in the Assembly of States Parties 
ICC-ASP/5/26 - | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish

Report of the Bureau on the arrears of States Parties 
ICC-ASP/5/27 -  | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish

Second election of members of the Board of Directors of the Trust Fund for Victims
ICC-ASP/5/28 -    |  Chinese  |  English  |  French  |  Russian  |  Spanish

Report of the Bureau on the permanent premises of the Court 
ICC-ASP/5/29 -  | Chinese | English |  French | Russian | Spanish

Report of the Bureau on the strategic planning process of the International Criminal Court 
ICC-ASP/5/30 -  | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish
ICC-ASP/5/30/Corr.1 - English only 

Annotated list of items included in the provisional agenda 
ICC-ASP/5/33  -    | Chinese |  English  |  French  | Russian  | Spanish

Report to the Assembly of States Parties on options for ensuring adequate defence counsel for accused persons (ICC-ASP/3/16) - Update to Annex 2: Payment details of the ICC legal aid scheme
ICC-ASP/5/INF.1 -   | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish

Review Conference: scenarios and options - Preliminary paper by Mr. Rolf Einar Fife
ICC-ASP/5/INF.2 -   | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish

Delegations to the fifth session of the Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court
ADVANCE COPY  -   English-French-Spanish

Informal inter-sessional meeting of the Special Working Group on the Crime of Aggression 
ICC-ASP/5/SWGCA/INF.1 -   | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish

ITEM 11: Consideration and adoption of the budget for the fifth financial year 
ICC-ASP/5/WP.1  -   | Chinese | English | French | Russian | Spanish

Rules of Procedure of the Assembly of States Parties - Extract from Selected Basic Documents related to the International Criminal Court (ICC publication, The Hague, 2005)
English | French  | Spanish



23 November 2006
24 November 2006
25 November 2006
27 November 2006
28 November 2006
29 November 2006
30 November 2006
1 December 2006

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